5th Annual Introduction to Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workshop – March 19-21, 2025: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
UConn PMF is excited to announce the fifth iteration of our hands-on proteomics workshop! This 3-full day course will include lecture and laboratory tutorials featuring hands-on sample preparation, instrument operation, and software analysis designed to educate scientists in the latest methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) in PMF. The course will be co-taught by UConn PMF scientists Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D., Jen Liddle, Ph.D., and Sonam Tamrakar, Ph.D.
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday March 19, 2025 through Friday March 21, 2025
Where: Pharmacy/Biology Building Rooms 131 (Lecture) and 511/513 (Lab), UConn Storrs Campus
Cost: $440 per person (Internal UConn rate, subject to change, inquire regarding external academic rates if applicable)
What I will learn: The full agenda will be announced in the coming weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include
- Introduction to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- Introduction to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Label-free and Label-based methods for quantitative MS-based proteomics
- Data-Dependent vs Data-Independent Acquisition Methods
- Bioinformatics analysis and options currently available to UConn/UConn Health researchers
- Proteomics sample preparation
- In-gel digestions
- In-solution digestions (e.g. Co-immunoprecipitations, whole cell lysates)
- Applications of MS-proteomics outside of standard protein identification/quantitation
- Data analysis tutorials for our in-house analytic platform in R msDiaLogue featuring the UConn Statistical Consulting Services group (Director, Timothy Moore, Ph.D.)
Admission to the workshop will be strictly limited to 20 participants due to space restrictions and access to instrumentation. Attendance will be evenly split between UConn Storrs and UConn Health researchers to allow equal participation between both campuses. In addition, a restriction of one attendee per laboratory may be instituted to provide access for a wider range of participants across departments and research groups. A waitlist will be created once the number of interested attendees surpasses the 20 attendee slots. Following successful registration, you will receive confirmation as to your standing on either the attendance list or waitlist. Any non-UConn scientists will be added to the attendance list only if slots remain (registration fee will vary for external attendees). TO SAVE YOUR SPOT, REGISTER USING THE FORM BELOW.
March 2025 UConn PMF Workshop Registration Form
4th Annual Introduction to Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workshop – January 10-12, 2024: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
UConn PMF is excited to announce the fourth iteration of our hands-on proteomics workshop! This 3-full day course will include lecture and laboratory tutorials featuring hands-on sample preparation, instrument operation, and software analysis designed to educate scientists in the latest methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) in PMF. The course will be co-taught by UConn PMF Director Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D. and Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D.
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday January 10, 2024 through Friday January 12, 2024
Where: Pharmacy/Biology Building Rooms 131 (Lecture) and 511/513 (Lab), UConn Storrs Campus
What I will learn: The full agenda will be announced in the coming weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include:
- Introduction to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- Introduction to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Label-free and Label-based methods for quantitative MS-based proteomics
- Data-Dependent vs Data-Independent Acquisition Methods
- Bioinformatics analysis and options currently available to UConn/UConn Health researchers
- Proteomics sample preparation
- In-gel digestions
- In-solution digestions (e.g. Co-immunoprecipitations, whole cell lysates)
- Applications of MS-proteomics outside of standard protein identification/quantitation
- Cross-linking MS
- Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange MS
- Post-translational modification (PTM) analysis
Admission to the workshop will be strictly limited to 12 participants due to space restrictions and access to instrumentation. All University mandated COVID precautions will be followed. Attendance will be evenly split between UConn Storrs and UConn Health researchers to allow equal participation between both campuses. In addition, a restriction of one attendee per laboratory may be instituted to provide access for a wider range of participants across departments and research groups. A waitlist will be created once the number of interested attendees surpasses the 12 attendee slots. Following successful registration, you will receive confirmation as to your standing on either the attendance list or waitlist. Any non-UConn scientists will be added to the attendance list only if slots remain (registration fee may vary for external attendees). To save your spot, REGISTER using the form below.
3rd Annual Introduction to Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workshop – January 11-13, 2023: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
UConn PMF is excited to announce the third iteration of our hands-on proteomics workshop! This 3-full day course will include lecture and laboratory tutorials featuring hands-on sample preparation, instrument operation, and software analysis designed to educate scientists in the latest methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) in PMF. The course will be co-taught by UConn PMF Director Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D. and Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D.
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday January 11, 2023 through Friday January 13, 2023
Where: Pharmacy/Biology Building Rooms 131 (Lecture) and 513 (Lab), UConn Storrs Campus
What I will learn: The full agenda will be announced in the coming weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include:
- Introduction to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- Introduction to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Label-free and Label-based methods for quantitative MS-based proteomics
- Data-Dependent vs Data-Independent Acquisition Methods
- Bioinformatics analysis and options currently available to UConn/UConn Health researchers
- Proteomics sample preparation
- In-gel digestions
- In-solution digestions (e.g. Co-immunoprecipitations, whole cell lysates)
- Applications of MS-proteomics outside of standard protein identification/quantitation
- Cross-linking MS
- Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange MS
- Post-translational modification (PTM) analysis
Admission to the workshop will be strictly limited due to space restrictions and access to instrumentation. Attendance will be evenly split between UConn Storrs and UConn Health researchers to allow equal participation between both campuses. In addition, a restriction of one attendee per laboratory may be instituted to provide access for a wider range of participants across departments and research groups. A waitlist will be created once the number of interested attendees surpasses the 12 attendee slots. Following successful registration, you will receive confirmation as to your standing on either the attendance list or waitlist. Any non-UConn scientists will be added to the attendance list only if slots remain (registration fee may vary for external attendees). To save your spot, REGISTER using the form below.
2nd “Annual” Introduction to Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workshop – January 12-14, 2022: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.
UConn PMF is excited to announce the second iteration of our hands-on proteomics workshop! This 3-day course will include both lectures and hands-on experience with sample preparation, instrumentation, and software designed to educate UConn scientists in current methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS), including our brand new Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid instrument. The course will be co-taught by UConn PMF Director, Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D. and Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D.
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday January 12, 2022 through Friday January 14, 2022
Where: Pharmacy/Biology Building Rooms 131 (Lecture) and 513 (Lab), UConn Storrs Campus
What I will learn: The full agenda will be announced in the coming weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include:
- Introduction to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- Introduction to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Label-free and Label-based methods for quantitative MS-based proteomics
- Bioinformatics analysis and options currently available to UConn/UConn Health researchers
- Proteomics sample preparation
- In-gel digestions
- In-solution digestions (e.g. Co-immunoprecipitations, whole cell lysates)
- Applications of MS-proteomics outside of standard protein identification/quantitation
- Cross-linking MS
- Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange MS
- Post-translational modification (PTM) analysis
Admission to the workshop will be strictly limited to 12 participants due to space restrictions and access to instrumentation. All University mandated COVID precautions will be followed. Attendance will be evenly split between UConn Storrs and UConn Health researchers to allow equal participation between both campuses. In addition, a restriction of one attendee per laboratory may be instituted to provide access for a wider range of participants across departments and research groups. A waitlist will be created once the number of interested attendees surpasses the 12 attendee slots. Following successful registration, you will receive confirmation as to your standing on either the attendance list or waitlist. Any non-UConn scientists will be added to the attendance list only if slots remain (registration fee may vary for external attendees). To save your spot, REGISTER using the form below.
Summer 2021 In-Person PMF/SCS Joint Workshop: An Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics – August 5-6, 2021: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.
The UConn Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility (PMF) is excited to announce our first joint data analysis workshop with UConn Statistical Consulting Services (SCS)! This in-person, 2-day course will include a mixture of in-depth lectures and hands-on data analysis exercises in R using complex proteomics datasets. Due to the limited time available for room reservations and the need to cover complex details of bioinformatic analysis in a short period of time, this workshop is specifically designed for UConn scientists that already have an introductory understanding of current mass spectrometry-based methodologies and data analysis options for quantitative proteomics. As a result, users with previous experience with proteomics analysis in PMF (or elsewhere) will be given priority. Because the course will involve hands-on analysis exercises, all participants must supply their own laptop for the workshop. The course will be presented by UConn PMF Director Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D., PMF Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D., and UConn SCS Director, Tim Moore, Ph.D.
Who: This workshop is designed for PMF users who already possess an introductory understanding of liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, proteomics sample preparation methods, and label-free quantitation in proteomics
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Thursday August 5, 2021 and Friday August 6, 2021
Where: Pharmacy/Biology Building Room 131, UConn Storrs Campus
What you will learn: The full agenda will be posted on on this page over the next two weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include the following (subject to change):
Very brief recap of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry, and sample preparation methods used for large-scale proteomics applications
Common strategies for quantitative comparisons incorporating label-free methods
Bioinformatics processing options for proteome-wide peptide and protein identification and quantification using MaxQuant software (https://www.maxquant.org/)
Introductions to R for basic label-free proteomics applications
How to choose the appropriate statistical tests for your proteomics experiment(s) and general discussions on the following related topics:
- Identifying Type I vs Type II errors
- Multiple hypothesis testing and options for correction(s)
- Supervised (e.g. LDA) vs unsupervised (e.g. PCA) methods
- Univariate and multivariate methods
How to apply statistical analysis for identification of differential expression patterns for complex proteomics datasets that incorporate 2 or more unique conditions (e.g. t-tests, ANOVA)
How to generate basic visualizations (e.g. Volcano/PCA plots) for quantitative experiments using R scripts tailored specifically for MaxQuant file outputs customized by SCS
Due to current in-person capacity limits and the difficulty of implementing hands-on data analysis for users inexperienced with R, admission to the workshop will be strictly limited to 20 participants. Some attendance slots will be specifically reserved for UConn Health researchers to allow participation for scientists at both campuses. In addition, a restriction of one attendee per laboratory may be instituted to provide access for a wider range of participants across departments and research groups. A waitlist will be created once the number of interested attendees surpasses the initial 20 attendee slots.
Following successful registration, you will receive confirmation as to your standing on either the attendance list or waitlist. To save your spot, fill out the registration form posted below. Participation will be granted on a first come, first serve basis for registered attendees while following the rules listed above.
1st Annual Introduction to Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workshop – January 15-17, 2020: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
UConn PMF is excited to announce our first proteomics-focused workshop! This 3-day course will include both lectures and hands-on experience with sample preparation, instrumentation, and software designed to educate UConn scientists in current methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS). The course will be led by UConn PMF Director, Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D.
When: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday January 15, 2020 through Friday January 17, 2020
Where: Biology/Physics Building Rooms G01/G05, UConn Storrs Campus
What I will learn: The full agenda will be announced in the coming weeks, but intended topics to be covered will include:
- Introduction to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- Introduction to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Label-free and Label-based methods for quantitative MS-based proteomics
- Bioinformatics analysis and options currently available to UConn/UConn Health researchers
- Proteomics sample preparation
- In-gel digestions
- In-solution digestions (e.g. Co-immunoprecipitations, whole cell lysates)
- Applications of MS-proteomics outside of standard protein identification/quantitation
- Cross-linking MS
- Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange MS
- Post-translational modification (PTM) analysis