July 1, 2022 marks the beginning of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 at UConn. We’ve recently performed extensive budget analysis using past and anticipated instrument usage numbers plus current service and reagent costs to determine the new rates for sample preparation, LC-MS/MS analysis, training, and data analysis. All FY2023 rates have now been posted on our Rates page and are officially active as of today. Please note that rates subject to change.
UConn PMF Upcoming Holiday Closure
UConn PMF will be closed for the holidays from Friday, Dec 24th through Sunday, Jan 2. No instruments will be available for user-operation during this time. Instrument reservation requests for the week following the closure can be submitted at any time using the online form, but responses will be delayed and eventually granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please do not send any proteomics or metabolomics samples during this time, as we will not be available to receive them or guarantee proper storage conditions. Full facility operations will resume Monday, Jan 3. Happy holidays to all!
New Hands-On Proteomics Workshop to be Offered in Jan 2022!
UConn PMF is excited to announce the second iteration of our hands-on proteomics workshop! This 3-day course will include both lectures and hands-on experience with sample preparation, instrumentation, and software designed to educate UConn scientists in current methodologies and analysis options for quantitative proteomics using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS). The course will be held January 12-14, 2022 and will be co-taught by UConn PMF Director, Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D. and Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D. For more information and to register, visit our Workshops page.
Important Updates about FY22 PMF Rates & Instrument Reservations
FY22 Facility Rates now active: After an initial delay, our FY22 rates are now fully approved and are retroactively taking effect beginning Oct 1, 2021. All new rates are posted HERE. This is the first rate increase PMF has experienced since July 2019 (start of FY20) and represents updated reagent and instrument service costs over the last 2 years. Some rates increased while others decreased slightly due to ever changing reagent costs. New rates include those for our newly installed Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid proteomics instrument (soon to be available for PMF users – we are now in the initial benchmarking phase) and the introduction of PMF-assisted rates for the Synapt G2Si and Xevo G2-XS instruments. Previously, these two mass spectrometers were available for user-operation only, but we are now offering full-service or assisted usage for those that would prefer this option.
New Policy for User-Operation Instrument Reservations: As of November 18, 2021 all instrument reservations for the Synapt G2Si and Xevo G2-XS instruments must be requested using the new “Reservation Request Form” located on the PMF website HERE. The new online form will provide me and Jen with all of the information necessary so that we can finalize reservation schedules and accurately prepare the instrumentation prior to each new appointment. This will cut down substantially on the number of emails we need to respond to daily by providing all required details in one simple form. You should be aware that the form requires the inclusion of KFS (Storrs) or Banner Account (UConn Health/TIP) information which will be used to process all instrument usage. This will help us save time tracking down these accounts well after the experiments are finished and allow us to process billing events much faster. Our policy on billable usage time has not changed: you will only be charged for the time used for acquired experiments, not for the requested reservation time.
Please direct any questions to Jeremy or Jen (contact information can be found HERE).
PMF/SCS Joint Workshop to be held in August!
The UConn Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility (PMF) is excited to announce our first joint data analysis workshop with UConn Statistical Consulting Services (SCS)! This in-person, 2-day course will include a mixture of in-depth lectures and hands-on data analysis exercises in R using complex proteomics datasets. Due to the limited time available for room reservations and the need to cover complex details of bioinformatic analysis in a short period of time, this workshop is specifically designed for UConn scientists that already have an introductory understanding of current mass spectrometry-based methodologies and data analysis options for quantitative proteomics. As a result, users with previous experience with proteomics analysis in PMF (or elsewhere) will be given priority. Because the course will involve hands-on analysis exercises, all participants must supply their own laptop for the workshop. The course will be presented by UConn PMF Director Jeremy Balsbaugh, Ph.D., PMF Facility Scientist Jen Liddle, Ph.D., and UConn SCS Director, Tim Moore, Ph.D. To register, click HERE!
We’ve upgraded to Scaffold Q+S version 5!
UConn Proteomics Users: As of early April 2021, PMF has upgraded to Scaffold Q+S v 5.0.0. From this point forward, all new proteomics results will be uploaded into this version and will not be accessible using older versions of Scaffold Q+S Viewer that you may currently have installed. Please visit this website to get the newest version. The newest upgrade features a new logo and new graphics throughout, but keeps the same base functionalities to help you make the most of your quantitative proteomics data. Proteome Software specified that backward compatibility should be maintained (e.g. all previously generated files can be opened with Scaffold Q+S Viewer v5). Contact us with any questions.
UConn PMF Limited Operation for the Holidays
UConn PMF will be operating with limited hours during the period beginning Thursday, Dec 24th through Friday, Jan 1. Instrument reservations can be made with enough lead time and are subject to PMF faculty work schedules. Full facility operations will resume Monday, Jan 4. Happy holidays to all!
Xevo G2-XS mass spectrometer is now available for use!
As of today (December 10, 2020), we have fully integrated the Waters Xevo G2-XS q-TOF mass spectrometer and Acquity H-Class UPLC instruments into UConn PMF! If you’re interested in receiving training on this instrument, contact the Facility Director with your availability. Please be aware that training sessions may be modified or delayed due to current in-person gathering restrictions at UConn. Previous users of the Xevo G2-XS and Acquity UPLC can contact the Facility Director for next steps. Unassisted analysis rates can be found here.
Check out PMF Featured Publications!
A new page “Featured Publications” has been added to our website to highlight important peer-reviewed research made possible by the instrumentation and expertise in UConn PMF. This page will be updated regularly. We are in the midst of compiling a comprehensive list of publications that include analytical experiments conducted in PMF. If your publication(s) are not yet included, email the Facility Director to have yours added!
UConn PMF Has Moved, Plus Welcome Jen Liddle!
After a chaotic few weeks, the entirety of UConn PMF now exists in the Pharmacy/Biology Building at 69 N Eagleville Rd! The main wet laboratory space can now be found in room 513. Facility Director Jeremy Balsbaugh’s office is now located in room 531. COVID19-related gathering restrictions prevent us from holding an Open House to show all of you the new space, but we look forward to seeing you for project-related appointments soon!
I am equally excited to announce that Jen Liddle, Ph.D. has joined UConn PMF in August and is now actively participating in new PMF projects. Check out her short bio on our About Us page. I look forward to introducing her to all of you in person soon.