FY 2020 Facility Rates now posted!

For the first time since PMF opened in 2017, we’ve adjusted our facility rates to better reflect the true costs associated with proteomics and metabolomics analysis.  These new rates will go into effect on July 1, 2019 and you can see them here.  Some analysis rates have increased while others decreased.  Overall, we don’t anticipate major changes in final costs for the vast majority of users.  However, reagent and service costs have increased since 2017 and therefore, we needed to adjust our rates accordingly.  Please contact jeremy.balsbaugh@uconn.edu with any specific questions or concerns!

First Annual COR2E Symposium on Monday, Nov 19th!

UConn PMF will be highlighted at the First Annual UConn Center for Open Research Resources (COR2E) Symposium in Pharm/Bio room 131 on Nov 19th. The event runs from 8.30am through 5pm. Be sure to come out and hear about some fantastic core facilities and the work being done using the cores within COR2E! The UConn PMF section will be held from 9-10am. Hope to see you there! For more information, see the full schedule here: COR²E_Symposium_Schedule_Handout

UConn PMF is hiring!

The UConn Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility is currently searching for a undergraduate level Research Technician (RT). The RT will be responsible for aiding the Facility Director in maintaining and operating sophisticated facility instrumentation and will be responsible for sample preparation, limited data processing and analysis. The position is for ~30-35 hours per week during the summer months and up to 20 hr/week during the academic year. The position will begin at the conclusion of the Spring 2018 semester and continue for at least one year after the initial appointment, conditional on the successful contributions of the RT to the facility. For more information, check out the original job posting here!

PMF 2017 Holiday Closure

The Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility will be closed for the holidays from Thursday, Dec 21 through Monday, Jan 1. All facility-related business will resume on Tuesday, Jan 2. Happy holidays and happy new year to all!

Introduction to UConn PMF seminar on Thurs, Nov 9

Interested in proteomics and metabolomics, but unsure what exactly these “omics” techniques are?  UConn PMF is holding an introductory seminar on Thurs, Nov 9 from 3.30-4.30pm in PBP 131.  Come by to learn more about UConn’s state-of-the-art biological mass spectrometry and how it can help advance your research!

UConn PMF is officially open!

Exciting news!  The UConn Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility (UConn PMF) is now officially open!  Our instrumentation is fully installed and operational.  Check out our approved analysis rates and new instrumentation.  Over the course of the next few months, you’ll have various opportunities to learn more about our technology and analysis capabilities in person.  In the meantime, we are currently scheduling experimental design sessions and accepting samples!  To get started, fill out a Project Request Form, stop by the laboratory in BPB Room G05, or e-mail Jeremy with questions.  Here we go!

New Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility Website Launched

We are proud to announce the launch of our new Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility website.  We are currently stocking the lab, calculating facility rates, and working on getting our state-of-the-art instrumentation installed and working in mint condition for all of your exciting projects!  Stay tuned for more lab updates coming soon…