New Rates for PMF Services & Analysis Beginning Jan 1, 2025

PMF is rolling out new rates for analysis and service across all user types (Internal, External Academic (NFP), and Industry).  Current PMF rates were enacted long ago on July 1, 2022 and have not been adjusted since, despite substantial increases in facility-related costs due to inflation.  A new “Experiment Set-Up Fee” will be applied for all assisted and unassisted UPLC-MS/MS experiments.  This fixed fee is proportional to the amount of time required for personnel to prepare the instrument for each experiment type.  User-operated experiments require less set-up time and therefore are subject to a lower set-up fee, whereas PMF-assisted experiments require substantially more set-up time plus sample preparation.  This new fee is designed to recover personnel time spent performing instrument calibrations, preparing fresh LC solvents and equilibrating the instrumentation for project-specific UPLC-MS/MS methods, executing sample dilutions/transfers, and running QC and solvent blank injections prior to each new experiment. As always, you can review our new rates on the facility website ( ).  Questions can be sent to the Facility Director.